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Posted by Richard Sleep ( on 23:41:08 24/September/07
In Reply to: post-party buzz posted by Weed
: how amazing, how strange, how wonderful
yup words fail
: am hoping to persuade others who've sent me lovely emails to also post stuff here
Well I'm sure Danny and Janet will when they get back
: thanks to everyone who came,
: and to everyone who didn't come but sent greetings and encouragement,
: and to the absentees, who provided memories,
Hemmingway looks pretty cool though
: and to all who helped with finding people,
: and to the ones who brought food and drink,
: and to those who contributed in other ways
: especial thanks to Joelle, whose idea it was
Yea really thanks Joelle
: and to Chris SS for his pre-party preparations, and the use of house and beautiful garden
Jackie and Chris SS thanks
: and to fortune, who smiled, allowed the sun to shine, and the night to continue dry and windless
That was a weird miracle actually, by rights it should have pissed down?
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