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Posted by Scratch ( on 16:22:39 07/November/07
In Reply to: Re: Cats like plain crisps posted by Weed
: : CLPC... trying to remember who started it.
: the origin and history is discussed on the bitching page at cheesybits.com
: : Weed, in one of his previons reincarnation, was the one who got it out of the kitchen of number seven
: no, definitely not me -- though i can remember being told about it appearing elsewhere shortly afterwards
: : ...on the kitchen wall
: the graffiti immediately above it (and prior to it) went something like -
: all things stem from roots
: ?? (something a bit pretentious)
: Cats Like Plain Crisps
: : And does anybody know what happened to the CLPC banner.
: from Stonehenge B.I.T. Newsletter No 15 -
: "Missing from the Free Food Kitchen, THE GROSVENOR ROAD FLAG. A gold velvet banner, embroided with a pyramid with the sun coming out behind it, and this motto "CATS LIKE PLAIN CRISPS" on the bottom. There's a list of the festivals it's been to written on it, since Windsor '74. This flag is of great sentimental value to the people who lived and knew Grosvenor Road. If anyone finds it, could they please return it to the free food kitchen or the big blue box van with No 7 on the door"
I don't know who wrote the kitchen wall original of CLPC but I started the kitchen wall graffiti after being pissed off doing the washing up with " tidying up is an art form-create space " to which the replies followed
art has no form
art is form
form is art
orm is fart
cats like plain crisps
according to a recent survey...... etc
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